Wiki It...

To begin at the beginning, Popular Jane focuses on Pop Culture and all things trendy. For a good definition, we'll use one of the most POPULAR web tools around today, Wikipedia.
It mentions that pop culture is really just what is popular within a social context and it gives examples of films, fashions or music but I think that it encompasses more than that. To me it includes television, electronics, websites, cultural identities, Internet phenomena and more. In this blog I will attempt to introduce all kinds of examples of popular culture. Which brings us to our first...Wikipedia!

With over 10 million articles, you can can learn just about anything you care to know on Wikipedia. Though it's not considered a scholarly source, the website has defined many a tricky concept or word for the confused student. It is also an excellent way to procrastinate as you can get lost in the website, starting with Andy Warhol, moving to Campbell's Soup company, until you end going from the Meatballs page to Bill Murray. Sadly, I actually did this.

So, go ahead, consume the knowledge Wikipedia has to offer. Want to know the exact size of a Smartie? Just Wiki it...

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